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We are working with Jan from Intelligensia to bring you improved cyber resilience services.

Cyber resilience is more than having an Anti-Virus and a strong password, it is about understanding the impact to your business, knowing when and how to use the right tools, and putting other measures in place to protect you, your data, your people, and your reputation. A cyber attack can come from anywhere and you want to be informed, protected and prepared when it does.

60% of Small to Medium Business go out of business due to not recovering from a cyber attack. Don't let that be you.

Together with Intelligensia we are now offering cyber resilience services:

  • Find your people, processes, and system security gaps
  • Deliver customised cyber resilience improvement roadmaps
  • Embed cyber resilience in your business leadership practices and train staff
  • Test your ability to respond to a cyber incident
  • Provide perpetual cyber security expertise
  • And more!

Intelligensia was founded by Jan Thornborough with a single mission in mind: to improve cyber resilience of New Zealand businesses.

Jan was previously the head of the Cyber Resilience Unit in the New Zealand governments Cyber Security Centre. She has years of experience working together with businesses and helping them become cyber resilient, fully prepared to detect, respond and recover from cyber attacks. Jan is a trusted member of the cyber security network and has proven that she knows her stuff.

Check out Jan's website here for more information about Intelligensia: https://www.intelligensia.co.nz/

As Jan often says "You don't need to be an IT security expert to be cyber resilient. That's what we are here for!".

We are very excited to introduce you to Jan and work together on your cyber security practices and help all of our customers become cyber resilient.

Start your journey to being cyber resilient with a Free 30 Minute Cyber Safety Check to help you find gaps in your business and provide a clear path forward.

Email our friendly team at sales@aiscorp.co.nz and we can provide you with more information or book your cyber safety check in!